Louisa Edwards

Power ahead with unlimited electronic signature software.

Affordable e-signing for everyone on the team.

See ReadySign in action by reserving your demo today.

Driving organizations forward with unlimited electronic signature

RS Signature packet
Compliant Signing in Minutes

Secure, legally binding signatures

Execute paperless, legally binding signatures electronically. ReadySign is built to comply with the ESIGN Act and UETA: send contracts, offer letters, consent forms, and more.

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Keep Business Moving

Sign from anywhere

Give your team the power to keep working wherever they are. ReadySign electronic signature lets you prepare, send and sign documents securely via computer or mobile device.

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RS Signing Reminders
Stop Chasing Paper

Save time, money, and the planet

Accelerate business transactions by cutting out costly, time-consuming manual tasks. ReadySign replaces printing and postage, reduces costs, and minimizes environmental impact.

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Legal ESIGN Compliant
Teal SOC 2®, Type 2 Compliant
File Add Access Control
File Audit Trail Reporting
Browser Encryption of Data
Flash Single-Sign-On (SSO)
All Done Multi-Factor Authentication
Security You Can Trust

Legally recognized under the UETA and ESIGN Act

ReadySign is built with the security and enforceability of your documents and signatures in mind. We’ve taken every measure to ensure your data is protected, and your electronic signatures are recognized as valid under the United States Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.

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SOC 2®, Type 2 Compliant

SOC 2®, Type 2 Compliant for Security, Availability, and Confidentiality

With a SOC 2, Type 2 report, ReadySign maintains its adherence to one of the most stringent, industry-accepted auditing standards for service companies. ReadySign makes certain, through an independent auditor, that its information technology, business process, and risk management controls are properly designed. SOC 2 audit reports focus on a Service Organization’s non-financial reporting controls as they relate to Security, Availability, Confidentiality, Processing Integrity, and Privacy, of a system.


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Access Control

Granular permission settings provide complete access control

The ReadySign user at the “Administrator” level is the only individual with the ability to invite others to the data repository. When inviting others, Administrators can select specific permission settings for each person invited.

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Audit Trail Reporting

Know who’s doing what in your account and when

Audit trail reporting allows Administrators to see every click registered in the system. Reports include user, date, time, and actions taken and can be exported to Excel. Administrators can also select to have an audit report automatically emailed to them on a daily basis.

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Encryption of Data

256-bit encryption of data, both in transit and at rest

All connections are secured using TLS 1.2 with a 256-bit symmetric encryption and 2048-bit authenticated key agreement. Passwords are masked with a separate salt and encrypted with Bcrypt and enforced minimums for length and complexity. While at the data centers, all data remains encrypted using 256-bit AES.

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Single-Sign-On (SSO)

Easy, secure identity management for organizations

With Single-Sign-On (SSO) using the SAML 2.0 standard, you can easily sign into one central program - such as Microsoft Active Directory, OneLogin, or Okta - to access many of your business applications, including ReadySign. Users can be added and removed easily and company-wide password policies can be enforced and maintained for all business applications, enhancing security. SSO removes the need for users to remember and manage multiple passwords.

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Multi-Factor Authentication

An additional security layer to protect your account

Multi-Factor authentication offers a simple yet highly effective protection against cybersecurity attacks by requiring a second piece of information to access your secure contract repository.

SMS Authentication:

A five-digit SMS code is sent to the registered phone number and is needed for access. ContractWorks’ 2FA works worldwide.

Authentication App:

This process involves installing an authentication app, such as Google Authenticator on any smartphone. Upon first set-up, ReadySign will produce a QR code that is scanned using the authentication app. The authentication app will produce a one-time six-digit verification code, which the user must enter in addition to their username and password, to log into ReadySign. This process works securely as a secret key is passed between ReadySign and the authentication app. A new one-time key is used each time the user logs in.

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Montauk Energy
"ReadySign allows us to execute time-sensitive contracts, which has allowed our team to work remotely without missing deadlines or opportunities. This combined with time savings, has paid for itself many times over." Montauk Energy, Pittsburg, PA
"ReadySign is so user friendly and allows for us to thoroughly track which participants have viewed the documents sent to them. ReadySign has provided us with a comprehensive program to obtain signatures at an affordable price." Enterprise Elementary School District, Redding, CA
"We are so happy we switched to ReadySign! The team has been outstanding to work with. Very professional, helpful, and responsive. ReadySign is efficient and intuitive, and our organization has saved so much time and paper.” North DuPage Special Education Cooperative, Roselle, IL

Simple, transparent pricing. Just choose your plan:

Our pricing plans are the clearest in the market. With ReadySign, you pay one fixed price for unlimited documents, unlimited signatures, and all of our features, so you’ll never need to worry about unexpected fees or overage charges. Simple.

10-User Plan
$25 /User per Month Billed Annually

Includes 10 users, unlimited documents, and unlimited signers. Add users for $100 per user per year.

See Pricing
40-User Plan
$10 /User per Month Billed Annually

Includes 40 users, unlimited documents, and unlimited signers. Add users for $50 per user per year.

See Pricing
100-User Plan
$6 /User per Month Billed Annually

Includes 100 users, unlimited documents, and unlimited signers. Add users for $25 per user per year.

See Pricing

About ReadySign, an Onit Company

ReadySign was created by SecureDocs, the company behind ContractWorks, contract management software, and SecureDocs, virtual data rooms. At SecureDocs, our mission is to create simple, smart document management solutions which accelerate business and minimize risk.

ReadySign brings simple, affordable electronic signature to organizations of all types and sizes, with an easy-to-use product, built to reflect our core values of security, simplicity, savings and service.

In January, 2022, SecureDocs was acquired by Onit, the market leader in enterprise legal management, enterprise contract lifecycle management, and business process automation solutions. Together, we can provide even greater value to our customers thanks to a complementary offering of products and services.


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